Monday, 23 March 2015

The Things You See on Holiday

Well would you expect to see this .........


The drive to a lovely Sunday afternoon tea at Engedine Lodge took us past one of the film sets of Leonardo DiCaprio's new film the Revenant.  This production is being filmed all around Alberta at various locations including Kananaskis and Canmore.  The film is based on a novel by Michael Punke and DiCaprio plays a frontiersman in the 1820s who is out to seek his revenge on fellows who left him to die after he was mauled by a bear!   Exciting stuff Eh!  Unfortunately no filming was being done and no signs of any activity at all by the tepees or the stockade.  I did manage to capture this shot without the snow cannon and the truck just sitting off to the left!  I guess they wouldn't have been around in 1820.

Or this .......


Technology of a different kind - Aliens landing? - no just another film crew.  As we were minding our own business, having our afternoon tea and marshmallow crispy square by the edge of a frozen Barrier Lake a group of a dozen folks emerged from a camper van and trucks.  Silence shattered but fun to see the antics.  We think this was perhaps footage for an advert or tourist clip.  The drone flew high overhead twisting and turning, soaring and diving at speed while the operator twitched the joystick on his little harness,  watching all the time the recording on his mini iPad monitor.  All good fun for a Saturday afternoon.

Or this.......

Back to nature, a little furry muskrat, who was taking advantage of the open water and the sun at Vermillion Lakes he obligingly swam to the edge where we managed to sneak a photo or two without disturbing him.

Further along the lake road these two geese swam gracefully along honking loudly at times to their fellows on the other side of the icy lake.  They eventually took off and flew into the distance followed by the other members of the flock - such a noisy departure!

As you can see we have been out and about this week so not a lot of sewing going on although I have managed a few stitches in the evenings when all is quiet.

Block 5 - did I tell you I really do not like this block? - I do not like those sleeping children or the flying 'sugar plums' in their dreams.  Ok I know, I know it's essential to the story but I don't have to like it do I? Well it's almost done but for their faces.  I still might make adaptations.

This is what is happening with that bunch of new fabrics from connecting threads - log cabin blocks with a difference.  Whilst browsing around the usual sites I discovered Missouri Star Quilt Co have issued a new magazine called Mod Block.  I liked the sound of it so thought I would take a punt and pay the $5 to download it electronically.  Now I'm not usually one for digital magazines I like to turn the pages and see the instructions in front of me so that I can make notes, however this was a delightful surprise - I would almost go as far as to say I could see myself making all of these beautiful quilts.............if only I had the time.  Well my first project from this magazine is River Log Cabin by Amy Ellis, using my connecting threads fabrics and more.

Sadly we are coming to the end of our break here, again the time has flown but we have enjoyed the peace and relaxation that holidays usually bring.  So we will soon be packing the bags once again for our return home.

The next time you hear from me I will be back in Scotland once again, until then enjoy your stitching.

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Important Step

It's been a lovely week here temperatures rising to low mid teens and bright sunny days.  This is quite unusual for this time of year.  Unfortunately it's not so good for those who ski, the snow is melting on the ski hills and soon will be very little left for those arriving for Easter break.  So I hope you will appreciate that once again there has been little sewing done.  Yesterday was a bit more like our days at home - the clouds were down, no mountains in sight, rainy and wet and somewhat cooler.  So I managed a bit of sewing.  Well not exactly sewing, the bunting blocks have been completed and are now neatly trimmed up to 6.5in squares.

As I was sitting enjoying this process I wondered how many of you quilters out there skip this step thinking it a waste of time?  It takes quite a while to trim as you sew and if you leave the trimming until all the blocks are done do you just think, oh they look ok I'll just go ahead and join them up?  I have been known to skip the trimming step in the past but times change as you quickly realise it is a very important step in order to keep your quilt squared. Even although you think you have cut the pieces accurately, sewn the exact quarter inch seam, and pressed the seams flat, sometimes, just sometimes things can slip around.  If you have lots of squares and each one is out just a smidgen your final outcome could be a wonky top.  If you do miss this important step please think again and consider it for the future.  Just look at the little nest of slivers produced from 80 blocks!

Time is slipping by and we are just over our half way mark for this holiday.  A shopping trip is on the agenda for this week into the city.  We are not looking for anything specific but it's good to see what's available on sale in the shops here and we usually manage to pick up a few bargains. 

Today is Mother's Day back in the UK so Techie organised with his Dad to buy me some lovely flowers for the occasion. That was a lovely and unexpected surprise!  So Happy Mother's Day to you all.

Sunday, 8 March 2015

It's Good To Be Stitching Again

......but my machine is not happy. She sounds rough and not quite right.  The atmosphere here is very dry and I think it's time for a clean, service and some care and attention.  I booked her in for a service at the local quilt shop and took her along to the visiting technician.  

Success! My sewing machine has had its little spa day.  Poor thing has been a bit tense, dehydrated and noisy.  The technician phoned to say a new part was  needed, I had no hesitation in saying go ahead, as my thoughts were confirmed about what was causing the unusual clunks.  I collected her Wednesday afternoon and after dinner I unpacked her, threaded her up and tentatively put my foot on the pedal.  Wow! What a huge improvement.  Lovely smooth pick up, and so quiet.  Even hubby commented.  Why had I not sent her off for some TLC before now. - well I know why - I've not been here when the technician was visiting.  The moral of this story is don't put off spending a little money on your sewing machine.  I know, I know, we can't always do without it, or we are in the middle of a project or we can always find excuses.  Yes I could have continued using my machine even if it was making noises, it was stitching just fine, but I am so pleased I took this opportunity to make things better.  $100 well spent!

The bunting quilt is making progress,

block 5 is coming along nicely too,  here are some of the wee pieces before they were stitched in place.

...........But as usual I'm deliberating/procrastinating.  I would really like to start cutting into my new bundle of fabrics.  Should I/shouldn't I. Hmmmm..........

Yes I did take the plunge.  It's so satisfying making the first cut in a new project especially with a nice new rotary blade in your cutter.  Watch this space to see the progress on this one.

Temperatures have risen over the last couple of days. Today has been much more like the temperatures at home if not a wee bit higher 10*c here today, clear skies and sunny.  Sorry folks back at home I believe you had a wet miserable day according to the family we left behind.  I hope you all have a good week ahead.

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Spring Break

March has arrived but has it come in like a Lion or a Lamb?  Our weather systems seem to be all topsy turvy of late but it has been nice to see the spring snowdrops and crocuses pushing up through the bare soil.  

As I write this from the other side of the Atlantic there are no spring bulbs here - far too cold yet.  It was -12*C early yesterday morning here in the Rockies and tomorrow there is some snow forecast with temperatures predicted to be -15*C at times.  The bonus is though that we are seeing clear blue skies unlike at home.  Jet lag is lingering and we are always awake very early and retire to bed at what seems a child's bedtime.  Hopefully we will get into the Albertan time line soon.

It's good to be back and I am looking forward to some rest and relaxation.  I am planning to do a lot more sewing than I have been doing recently.  I have brought my Night Before Christmas pattern in the hope that I will enjoy some hand stitching while sitting looking at the mountains with the sun steaming through the den window.  

I placed an online order for fabrics a few weeks ago and this lovely little bundle was waiting for me from Connecting Threads - it's just such a pity they don't ship internationally.  

The feather fabric is 104" wide and I intend using it for a backing but it's so nice I may need to use it on the front too.  I had chosen a pattern from one of my new books but silly me forgot to pack it!  However I have found another pattern here and I'm looking forward to getting my sewing table set up and ready to go. I will change my rotary cutter blade, change my sewing machine needle and I'll be ready to get started.

I hope you all have a good week and manage to sew a few stitches.