Sunday, 20 October 2013

Hedgerow Harvest

You have all been very patient with me and my quilting.  Yes I have been sewing but as I said last time I am not really able to show you what I have been up to.  Three of the baby quilts are finished but not yet delivered. I have been doing lots of preparation for the class. I had been a bit lax last session with ideas, mainly because so much of my time was spent with Mum, but I am sure no one will be complaining about that.  That time was special.  I have just completed trials for two different class projects, one is the on going Block of the Month and the other is a fun and easy gift project which we will attempt at class when we have our Cake and Craft evening at the end of the month.  In actual fact it took me longer to write up the tutorial for the second one than it took me to make it!!  This little item could be completed in under an hour, but with all the chit chat going on at class I'm not sure they will manage it, however there will be the threat - no finish, no cake!

It's been a busy week in the household, autumn is with us and the two male members of this household went off berry gathering last weekend.  Result - Kilner jars full of Sloes topped up with gin.  Soon to be put away to infuse and be ready for next year.

What a lovely colour
They also collected lots of elderberries which have magically turned into lovely jelly ideal for putting on these delicious scones I made this morning.

Look closely the one at the front seems to be smiling.  What fun!

Ok enough rambling, down to quilting.  I completed three quilt tops when on holiday and I am now about to sandwich together the first one. Here is a sneak preview and I will hopefully have a bit more to share with you next time.

About to be sandwiched - need to decide on which cosy fleece

On another note, a very BIG thank you for the very generous donations made in Mums memory to Marie Curie Cancer Care.  I have thanked those involved personally on behalf of our family but I feel it is necessary to say thank you here so that everyone is aware of what is going on behind the scenes.

I hope you are all managing to do a bit of stitching this weekend.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hope you don't think that threat'll stop us blethering or munching cake in class! Love the thought of a smiley scone. Kx