Saturday 24 June 2017

Baby Number 4 - A Girl!

I spoke too soon last time.  It was a good job I was ahead of myself and had all my housework up to date and my baby quilts for now, all just about finished.  I had an extremely busy week this week.  Extra chores at Dads, decisions to be made, a lot of juggling and organising and running around.  I think we are all fixed for the moment so fingers crossed for a more leisurely week this week.

Amelia arrived later than her due date so one of the girly quilts will be parcelled up and delivered later in the week.  I hope she likes it - well I know a bit too soon for her to like it but I hope her family do.

Although busy I did manage to start a new project as promised.  sewing is my therapy and makes me switch off and it usually clears my head.  This one has been around for a while.  It is a Jinny Beyer kit called Crystal Star.  Now there is a story behind this kit which was bought four years ago and in fact I bought two kits.  2013 had an unpleasant start for me, you may remember Mum was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and died in June of that year.  It was also the year of the Alberta floods and impacted hugely in the community we visit most years and our good friend's home and possessions were washed away.  As a means to try and recover from these life changing events I bought the two kits while in Canada, leaving one with my good friend M to perhaps help in the healing process and eventually when the time was right it would act as therapy to return to quilting.  I of course brought the other one home which sadly has lain on the shelf for 4 years.  Truth be told when the kit arrived I realised that the kit was beyond my capabilities and probably M's at that time.

Over the years my kit has been moved from shelf to shelf, looked at, and placed back for another time.  Well in the removal upstairs it appeared again and this time it 'spoke' to me or perhaps it shouted.  Last weekend I opened the package, opened out the fabrics, looked and stroked........and finally read the instructions.  Oh oh! just as complicated as it was 4 years ago.  Back it all went into the packaging.  I mentioned to K my trusty quilting friend just what I had done.......she called me a woose!  That was enough to get my dander up - so the kit came out again and this time I made a start.  I am progressing slowly and my fear of foundation piecing is slowly beginning to disappear.  Here are a few photos of where I am to date.

I'ts out the packet

Looks complicated - 150 different fabric pieces in the star

Reminds me of School - dressmaking patterns

Numbering the fabrics

Oh no - one piece not the correct size! Hopefully it will be in the mail soon

Ta Dah!  1st piece of 35 sections

 So Ive started and I will finish............ eventually but it may take me some time.  I will post my progress as I go.  Have a good week folks.

1 comment:

Karen said...

You can do it.....slow and steady! Kx