Saturday 3 September 2016

Storm Clouds

 The forecast was for showers today so we decided this was to be the annual shopping day in the big city.  The drive into Calgary was enjoyable although the traffic on the other side of the highway heading out in the opposite direction was quite heavy.  This is the start of the long weekend and some city dwellers were making the most of it and starting the journey early for their well earned break in the mountains.

I enjoyed a good day of retail therapy, lots of purchases but not too excessive all thanks to my flexible friend.

This is what we were met with on the return journey - this was three o'clock in the afternoon, a huge storm brewing.  Bangs and flashes all around.


We managed to skirt around it and returned home to find snow on the mountain peaks!

I have been knitting this week, handstitching hexis and have started to cut into those nice bright rainbow fabrics, I'm really enjoying this unusual block.  There was no rainbow seen today though. The sun was a bit elusive but hopefully it will appear tomorrow at least for a wee while.

1 comment:

Karen said...

O oh! Did the plastic catch fire!!? That's a right mix of weather you're getting. Cloudy here so getting on with some sewing. Kx