Sunday 26 June 2016


Ok folks, sorry about the rather negative post during the week.  You will be pleased to know I have given myself a shake, brushed myself down and about to start all over again!  I'm almost back to my old self.

As I said, talking to a computer keyboard sometimes just does the trick.  I have updated my Gallery Page, I have cleared my sewing table, I've defluffed my sewing machine and given it a new needle.  Ive changed my rotary cutter blade and turned my cutting mat.  I've gone through my notebook to see what UFO's are in the baskets and I'm ready to get going again.

You haven't  seen this one for a while, its been lurking in a basket at the edge of my table - not even on the bookshelf.  I set to last night and sandwiched it up and put it back up on the design wall to see if inspiration for a quilting design would strike and it did.  

So some progress.

I am looking forward to having a more positive week and perhaps might even turn over a new leaf and start a new project in that notebook.

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