Saturday 16 May 2015

Freemotion Fankle

I've shown you Fishy Fishy before it was quilted a few weeks ago but realise you haven't seen it completed nor have you seen Loopy and its big brother which is not so tightly quilted.

Fishy Fishy


and his big Brother
Yes I've been doing a bit of freemotion!   I had got myself into a right fankle - tension not right, loops on the back, uneven stitches etc etc.  having taken advice and read lots of blogs and watched lots of YouTube videos I think I finally have turned a corner as they say.  Topstitch needle, polyester threads, fast speed on the needle but slow hand movements.  I now need to work on getting my stitches more uniform and even but I think I'm getting there but ........yes there is always a but isn't there.  I hate doing all the practice pieces that can't be used for anything else I just hate waste.  So I decided to use up odd pieces of fabric and  batting I had lying around - did you know batting is so easy to join? Cut neatly and sewn with a zig zag or similar stitch, butting two straight edges together the join is not seen when sandwiched between top and backing.

I have also been using cottons from that Scandinavian shop, yes you know the one - cheap, cheerful and ideal for trying out my freemotion.  It often has a looser weave and it's not quite as good quality as proper quilting fabric however just look out for the better quality pieces, some of it is wider than the 42" too and therefore good as a backing.

......and the back

I turned these EPP (English paper pieced) pentagons

pentagons a change from hexis

Into this little ball for S.  our little grandson who is now 5 months old and sitting up quite steadily all on his own on his playmat playing with his toys.  This ball is a smaller version than the one I made at Christmas and has a rattle inside instead of a bell.  I hope he likes it.

I will continue with block 6 this week - here's my little mousie in the making she's not stitched down yet

Miss Mouse
And I hope to continue with A's bunting quilt which now has its borders on and is ready to be sandwiched and quilted

Hmmm - I think I've done pretty well this week again. I hope you all have a productive week whatever you are planning.

1 comment:

margaret said...

certainly a lot achieved this week and you have got the free motion knack still to tackle that myself, the mouse is oh so cute and the ball great idea for a little one