Sunday 15 February 2015

Top Complete

As expected there was only a little sewing done this week again.  I have been out and about every single day this week with the result I've had very little time for sewing and no household chores done!  So again I am playing 'catch up' this weekend.  Our busy lives can sometimes get in the way of our hobbies and pastimes which lie unattended and untouched on the shelf.  Sometimes its even difficult to prioritise and organise.  As I am sure I have mentioned before, I am a bit of a procrastinator and spend too much time thinking and this inevitably eats into the time I should be using to get things done.

The sunny sunray blocks have been stitched together forming a quilt top here's a sneak peek.  Once again this was not the original plan, nor indeed was it plan number 2 but it's progressing.  I hope to get some batting cut this afternoon and then I need to decide on the backing - once again I have more than one option. Decisions, decisions.  

I am looking forward to Tuesday class.  K is giving a demonstration/tutorial on Trapunto.  Another new hand stitching technique for me and a chance to sit back and enjoy while someone else is in the 'driving seat'.

I hope you have more success with your sewing projects than I'm  having with mine at the moment.  Have a good week whatever you are planning on doing.

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