Saturday 3 October 2015


This week has flown and not a stitch has been sewn!  A week of catch up with lots of things in the house and with family.  

I hate to admit it but I have gone over to the other side - technology speaking.  Before I went off on holiday my PC was running very very slowly, so slowly it was beginning to frustrate.  I can’t complain I have had it for a long long time, and as we all know technology has progressed in leaps and bounds even in a year never mind 10.   I have an Apple TV, an iPhone and an iPad so I guess the next step was an iMac or equivalent.  Techie made a good job of convincing me, so a Mac Mini was purchased instead of a PC.  Wow - Speedy Gonzales!  I no longer need to go and make a cup of tea after switching on the box.  Less than a minute and it is powered up ready to go. I thought I was just getting the ‘box’ but surprise surprise a new magic mouse appeared and a dinky wee wireless keyboard.  So this week has been a whole new learning curve, getting used to typing again with all ten fingers for a start!  

Techie needless to say did all the technical stuff and  backed up and transferred all the old files on to a separate hard drive then put only the files i really needed on to the new machine. I have been assured it will take me a long long time to fill up all the available space - eh really!  All that being said I have enjoyed embracing change, Techie has been really patient with me and I am delighted to say so far so good.   I am enjoying this new piece of kit.  I can even listen to my music - some of my Cds were almost antique - while I type up this blog post all done wirelessly.

So as far as sewing goes as I said earlier not a stitch as has been sewn.  It was good however to catch up with everyone at class on Tuesday.  Some of the ladies had brought along their purchases from the Quilt Show at Ingliston and a few bargains were to be had.  I managed to reorganise my desk/table/room and tidied everything up a wee bit.  Last night I spent an hour preparing another of my Night Before Christmas Blocks, so although no stitching a bit of preparation has been done.  Tonight I plan to make a list of all my unfinished WIPs,  then slowly work my way through them.  I have lots of tops sitting waiting to be sandwiched and quilted so that must be a priority and I have no excuse as my new roll of batting arrived this week too!

The sun is shining here and has been most of the week so I am heading out to the summerhouse to sit and drink coffee and enjoy the garden and the changing colours. This  is an unexpected bonus.  Enjoy this week as autumn creeps in.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your blog and have nominated it for a Leibster Award. Please don't feel obligated to join in but it would be great if you could. You can find all out all about it here