Sunday 24 July 2016

A Challenging Challenge

Our quilt group challenge for this summer is entitled "Illusions".  The brief is a small quilt measuring not more than 24 X 24 inches.  Any colour, any shape, any technique. At least that is my understanding.  We were given this brief at the beginning of the year or. Indeed it may have been last September at the start of our session, and it's to be ready to show and tell this September.  Now, in the beginning I thought this was an interesting subject and all sorts of ideas buzzed around in my head.  As the weeks and months have gone past I have discarded each of my ideas in turn but I always return to the same one idea.  Well this week I have finally made a start.  I have had the fabric In my stash for a while and I have looked at it this way, that way, played with it and put it back on the shelf.  I've watched videos, read books, and instructions, made notes, read them again, changed the notes and eventually threw them in the bin and decided I could use my own method and make it up as I go along.........this may be dangerous!  So watch this space.

At class I have always encouraged everyone to think outside the box and do something a little different.  You can get bogged down when you do the same pattern time after time, or only make square blocks, or do applique, or don't do stars or triangles because you might cut off the points.  Sometimes you just need to give yourself a wee push and just do it.  Do something that tasks the brain and makes you think.  Well this project is certainly doing that for me and do you know what - I'm loving every minute of it.  Sadly I can't even give you a hint of what I'm doing, no one is supposed to know what each other is making, it will be fun to find out when September comes.  So if you are up for a challenge - why don't you try something different this week?  Learn something new, it doesn't even have to be sewing, try out a new recipe, bake a cake or just make time for reading a book.

I have finished all the baby quilts and just in time too.  Little Freya arrived earlier than expected and her quilt will be delivered this week.  I'll post photos in the gallery later.  I mentioned there were three quilts still to be donated to PHEW I've finished the musical one and it will be heading off to them later this week. We have reports that they are being well received and have even had a lovely note of thanks from one of the recipients.

Photo Bombing!!
Do you see the little blackbird which popped into the photo - they just love apples!

I hope to make one other delivery this week this will be a little bundle of Linus Quilts.  I have had a few sitting on my shelf for some time and my MIL has knitted some baby blankets so I will try and make the trip to deliver them to the regional coordinator on Tuesday.

It seems to be a sewing day today - it's tipping it down as I write this so after lunch I will be sitting at my sewing machine working on 'Illusions'.  Have a good week whatever you have planned.

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