Tuesday 9 September 2014

Snow in Summer

That little fellow last week knew exactly what he was doing.  Getting his fill and lining his larder before this arrived....

No this is not an old photo

......he had been watching the weather forecast!  Although we had been warned about some snow this week I really did not expect this. Just look at my little bench at the top of the garden there is almost 4 inches of snow on it, and where little Sammy was sitting on the BBQ.   Hubby even thought about building a snowman. Ah well we are in the mountains and it's a full moon what can we expect.

A day for the household chores today especially as I have been ignoring them in the good weather. The laundry is done and we have made a big pot of soup for dinner. I've done a bit of knitting, read some of my book, caught up with emails and hand stitched some of my little pentagonal soft ball.

I will be digging out my 'Hardware blocks' later this evening and making a few more to add to the bundle.  I have decided the little baby quilt and the exploding block will go no further while I'm here and they will return to Scotland with me to layer up and finish.

1 comment:

margaret said...

do hope we are not in for a hard winter, the snow looks lovely when new and not slushy but the temperature that goes with it not so!