Sunday 16 February 2014

Enjoying the Scenery

The temperature is beginning to rise a bit which allows us to get out and about for a drive on a sunny afternoon.  We spent a lovely couple of hours by the side of Middle Lake on the Bow Valley Parkway earlier this week.  It was so peaceful and at one point I felt as though we were the only people on earth.  This was the view from our spot in the car.  

The sun glistened on the ice on the lake while the breeze rustled in the wolf willow and shrubbery.  We read and drank tea from our hot mugs and I turned the heel of a sock while enjoying the tranquility.  (Can't sit and do nothing can I!). The only activity we saw was a little squirrel who darted from one side of the road to the other and scuttled up a nearby tree I guess in search of food.  The sun shone though the clouds until the distant storm clouds grew closer and eventually obliterated it.  Time to move on and return home.  On our way the only wildlife we saw were a few white tailed deer grazing in a field.
Last night I made my first block from the Hardware pattern.  I was right - extra care needed on the quarter inch, lots of pressing and attention to which way the seams lie.  Still not sure about this one.  I will try out the other colour combination as per the pattern and see how it looks then make a decision.

Enjoy your Sunday and the rest of your long weekend if you are an Albertan!

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