Wednesday 2 April 2014

Busy Week

Just catching 5 minutes to get this blog post done.  I seem to be chasing my tail since I came back home.

It was great to get back to quilting class last night and see all my quilty friends.  They have been busy bees while I have been away.  It was show and tell time!  What a great variety of projects.  I did take some photos but they are still on the camera, and as I didn't ask permission from the owners I am afraid I can't put them up here.  Beautiful wallhangings, cosy cushions, practical pressing/cutting mats, soft toys and so the list goes on and that was before all the Improv Quilts appeared.

The thing that impressed me most was the way the Improv Quilts all turned out.  All shapes and sizes, colours and textures, all very well done and stitched to perfection - a few remain WIP's and when they are all done we will have a display and bring them all together for a photoshoot.

A short discussion took place at the end of the evening about our dates for next session and it was unanimously agreed to continue as we did last year right through the summer.  I am going to try hard to think of new ideas and projects for the group and hopefully we might just manage an outing too.  I had better get the thinking cap on.  Yes it's good to be back!

On a personal note I have started a new project - Toes in the Sand

This was a Block of the Month I ordered a while ago and didn't quite get it started, so it wasn't really a block of the month was it.  Other things got in the way.  Never mind it's now started, I am not sure about some of the fabrics that I've been sent - especially the piece with the  snowmen or the still to be completed block with the whales!  I do however like the triangular pattern block and I do think the Hex n more ruler will be very useful for other projects. 

Off to sit in front of the cutting board then get some stitching done.

1 comment:

margaret said...

good to read your group are to continue. Wonder if you have found out more about long arm machines now you are home